About Nala Walla

Nala Walla MS, NTP, CGRS
BWell:  Integrative Wellness Coaching
Ancestral Nutrition | Somatic Griefwork

—“Nourishing body, soul, and planet.”—

Nala Walla is an integrator. She weaves a holistic and commonsense approach to wellness as a Certfied Nutritional Therapist, Grief Recovery Specialist, and Permaculture Designer. Her compassionate and empowering style of coaching helps to repattern deep connections to soul and to place, via human and more-than-human communities. Foundational work in traditional and ancestral nutrition combines with somatic release techniques to encourage healing and unwinding. Deep attention is given to developing personalized ritual practices which support the grief process and foster ongoing relationship to ancestors .

Nala completed her undergraduate work at Dartmouth College, and her masters degrees at the University of Washington and Gaia University.   Nala is an incurable student, continuing her education with Moving On Center, the Center For Kinesthetic Education, the Nutritional Therapy Association, and the Grief Recovery Institute.  Nala has also been a Certified Permaculture Designer for over ten years, and is the current leader of the Jefferson County Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Currently, Nala offers wellness coaching sessions by phone, by Skype, and in-person at her permaculture homestead in Washington State.  She is hosts a regular ceremonial wailing circle called the Grief and Gratitude Lodge.  Nala also to teaches an ecosomatic curriculum linking inner and outer ecology at schools, festivals, and sustainability programs.

If you are considering working with Nala, here is a message to you:

“Navigating the maze of wellness information these days can be disorienting, especially with so much contradictory advice on the web.  Just as MDs typically receive no standard training in nutrition, therapists often receive no training in griefwork. If you find yourself amidst an unfamiliar landscape of grief, it is wise to find a guide who has actually traversed this terrain themselves. I offer guidance to those who are interested in exploring grief, rather than psychologizing it.  Like the trusted advisors and medicine-women of old, I help people chart a grounded, intuitive, and somatically-based course. If you get the feeling that grieving is a sign of sanity, not pathology, we can work together.”

See more about Nala and BWell Integrative Wellness Coaching at BWellNow.org

3 thoughts on “About Nala Walla

  1. Hi Nala. I have been contemplating, using, diving into and explored some of your texts for quite some time. I am based in Sweden and I practice, among other things, Contact Improvisation, biodynamic farming and permaculture. I write you as the editor of the Swedish Biodynamic Association’s member magazine. I have the inspiration to use your text *the Farmer and the Witch* in a translated version as a series of texts in our magazine. As you touch a topic that I am exploring and I think you text offers something specific to the discussion. Would it be possible to use your text, and do a translation into Swedish, with references to you?

  2. Hi Nala,

    Not only am I inspired by your blog and all that you are doing, I feel a deep resonance with it. I am in the final stages of developing a Permaculture Land Cooperative and Center for Holistic Ecology in Costa Rica, which holds a similar mission to your work. I have read several of your blog posts and would love to begin a cultivating a connection with you, if you have the time and energy to do so. Thank you for your clarity, power, and vision. The more of us who awaken to the memory of a unified humanity and ecology, the more fertile a future we gift our children.

    With gratitude and respect,

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